The Maple Shade Arts Council is a non-profit organization comprised of educators, parents, and community members whose objective is to provide artistic programs and events that will be entertaining, educational, and inspirational for the community. The Arts Council’s programming emphasizes theatrical productions and workshops, yet also includes programming for the fine and performing arts. We have been running programs for almost 3 years now and we have been rapidly gaining exposure through the South Jersey area with our theatrical programming and arts workshops.
We are here on GoFundMe to raise $5,000 for wireless body mics for our theatrical productions. We estimate that we will be able to purchase about 8 Shure body mics, packs, and receivers for our organization.
(picture of 2015 Summer Theatre campers after their Improv workshop)
Why is this important to us? We currently have to rent microphones for all of our productions, especially for our Summer Theatre Children’s Camp, a 4 week educational camp for kids 8-16 years old that culminates in a Broadway Junior production. Our performances take place at the high school and we want to make sure our kids can be heard by their family and friends. We also use the mics for our adult musicals and teen productions. Not only does this help our kids be heard on stage, but by having our own microphones, we will no longer need to rent them, saving us money after just one years worth of performances. The saved money can then be used to help fund our camp in other facets and allow us to offer more scholarships for free camps to those students with financial problems. We currently offer the Thomas Starr Scholarship which pays for camp for a child new to our program and who suffers from financial hardships.
(picture from Once Upon A Mattress Young Performers Edition for Summer Theatre Camp 2014)
We would ideallylike to have the microphones in place by mid summer as we put on our summer theatre production of Legally Blonde Jr.
(picture from Into the Woods Jr. Teen-Run Production)
Through your donations, you will help out organization become more technologically advanced and have the equipment necessary to help our childrens’ voices be heard. So please, “Raise Your Voice” for the MS Arts Council by spreading the word and making a donation! Thank you!